Greetings! If you are looking for the design and communications services network Imaginary Life, please write to info at imaginarylife dot net. Except where otherwise noted, all work and content on this website are non-commercial projects protected under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
How are you? How are you feeling? Everything Looks Normal, Nothing is the Same is a 45 minute long film comprising of 12 short chapters shot on mobile phones in 12 different locations. The artist Tanya Kim invited 12 of her … Continue reading →
Yung Ga Ma is an ongoing project together with graphic designer and illustrator Chaima’a Lahnin. I told Chaima’a the story of Yung Ga Ma and she told me that there is a similar story in Morocco, with seven sisters instead … Continue reading →
Starling started as a conversation and it became a 5 minute audio-video collage projected on 5 separate screens, simultaneously. The film’s soundtrack is music by Jerry Gordon (aka Moontriangle) with a voiceover of a cutup poem from a page of … Continue reading →
Made entirely from found photos and videos from the nineties and set to the music of Osaka based composer Masahiro Kanagawa, the short film presents the epic of Gilgamesh story in 17 minutes. In the 1990s the Kinrandonsu theatre group … Continue reading →
DRESSING GOWN is a 10 minute video consisting entirely of appropriated footage from the black and white film Woman In A Dressing Gown that was made in 1957. The original film is considered an example of British social realism, and … Continue reading →
_Researcher Seeks Answers is a project started in the latter half of the 1990’s long before broadband internet and the instant interaction and connection that enabled. It was very simple. A series of questions were printed on ‘no design’ stickers, … Continue reading →
VIDEO LETTERS is a long film edited from Video 8 footage shot in nineties Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto, New York, Toronto, London, Hanoi, Seoul, Lagos and Beijing, and stored in a box for 29 years. The tapes were transferred and edited … Continue reading →
THE BUILDING AMPLIFIES is a project by artist Pavel Matveyev with Tanya Kim’s voice recording, co-writing and editing. It was presented as a multimedia installation in the Glitter Ball showroom, with other pieces of Pavel’s work on Saturday, the 19th … Continue reading →
VALLS HAVE SOUNDWALK is a proposal for a public art piece by the artist Pavel Matveyev. A preliminary ‘sketch’ was presented at the ‘Hej Gävle’ group exhibition at Gävle konstcentrum in 2012 where an audience listened through headphones to a pre-recorded … Continue reading →
“When you know how to suffer you suffer less” is a zine of aphorisms or short statements expressing a general truth or advice on how to conduct yourself. These aphorisms were taken from notes jotted down during weekly telephone mindfulness … Continue reading →
NORDIC BY NATURE E-BOOK. We are delighted to announce that the e-book Nordic by Nature, New voices on deep ecology; Arne Naess in the 21st century, is in the process of being translated and released as separate PDF chapters with … Continue reading →
When you know how to suffer you suffer less is a short ten minute film about grief and chronic illness and how both processes are also accompanied by moments of gratitude. Made entirely from found mobile video footage and set … Continue reading →
NORDIC BY NATURE, NEW VOICES ON DEEP ECOLOGY TODAY, ARNE NAESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY is a free e-book of podcast transcripts. The activists interviewed in the podcast were not chosen because of their ability to follow their inner voice, … Continue reading →
NATURE-CENTRED MINDFULNESS is a great way to start meditation practice for a beginner, and also a beautiful practice for more experienced mindfulness and meditation practitioners. This text extract below is taken from the upcoming book, Nordic by nature. New voices … Continue reading →
NORDIC BY NATURE was launched as a research and editing partner for environmental experts publishing globally relevant content on ecology today. Part of this work resulted in 26 audio recorded interviews and 11 podcast episodes, spotlighting activists from across the … Continue reading →