A photo of a fence post with a white sticker on it asking "what would you most likke to change about yourself?"

_Researcher Seeks Answers

_Researcher Seeks Answers is a project started in the latter half of the 1990’s long before broadband internet and the instant interaction and connection that enabled. It was very simple. A series of questions were printed on ‘no design’ stickers, and the stickers were shared in public places as far and as wide as possible. When people started to respond to the hotmail address, they too were asked to participate by receiving a pack of stickers to put up in the city where they live.

Stickers have been photographed in places as diverse as Alaska, Japan and Lebanon and replies to the questions have come in from far and wide. The most notable aspect of the project is that unlike social media today, all the answers were, without exception, sincere and thoughtful.

The sticker photos and replies span over two decades and continue to arrive. They are slowly being into a film and multimedia exhibition/ presentation that will have local language subtitles relevant to all the countries represented – and as promised on the stickers, all email replies are anonymous.

If you would like to be a take part in this project please send your a message to Tanya with your postal address to: imaginarylife at hotmail dot com. At the moment I am especially looking for videos of the stickers and voice recordings answering the questions.




A picture of stickers with different questions such as "When do you feel most at home?"


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