Mama’s story

Mama’s story is a family history and family tree, a collection of stories and memories that drift in and out of ther personal and collective, the factual and the mythical or supernatural, the real and the imaginary. It is currently … Continue reading


Starling started as a conversation and it became a 5 minute audio-video collage projected on 5 separate screens, simultaneously. The film’s soundtrack is music by Jerry Gordon (aka Moontriangle) with a voiceover of a cutup poem from a page of … Continue reading

An illustration of very colourful imaginary flowers

Imaginary flowers

IMAGINARY FLOWERS goes out to everyone with invisible illnesses, disabilities, and chronic conditions who simply aren’t going to “get well soon”. These flowers are meant to comfort and console. Breathing in, I am a flower. Breathing out, I am fresh! … Continue reading

Holding Space – zine

HOLDING SPACE, WHEN YOU KNOW HOW TO SUFFER YOU SUFFER LESS, BED THERAPY APHORISMS is a zine of aphorisms or short statements expressing a general truth or advice on how to conduct yourself. These aphorisms were taken from notes jotted … Continue reading

Nordic by Nature in Spanish

NORDIC BY NATURE E-BOOK. We are delighted to announce that the e-book Nordic by Nature, New voices on deep ecology; Arne Naess in the 21st century, is in the process of being translated and released as separate PDF chapters with … Continue reading

Holding Space – short film

HOLDING SPACE, WHEN YOU KNOW HOW TO SUFFER YOU SUFFER LESS is a short ten minute film about grief and chronic illness and how both processes are also accompanied by moments of gratitude and grace. “Holding space” means being physically, … Continue reading

A family visit

Holding space together

HOLDING SPACE means being physically, mentally, and emotionally present for someone to support them as they process their experiences and feelings, often in times of grief. The term has expanded in meaning over time to encompass other situations and it is … Continue reading

Nordic by Nature e-book

NORDIC BY NATURE, NEW VOICES ON DEEP ECOLOGY TODAY, ARNE NAESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY is a free e-book of podcast transcripts. The activists interviewed in the podcast were not chosen because of their ability to follow their inner voice, … Continue reading


Transcript to the Nordic By Nature Podcast, ON NARRATIVES. Intro: Welcome to Nordic By Nature. A podcast on ecology today, inspired by the Norwegian Philosopher Arne Naess, who coined the term Deep Ecology. In this episode ON NARRATIVES, we hear … Continue reading


 Simple transistor landing page. Direct download of mp3. Voice intro: Welcome to Nordic By Nature, a feature length podcast on ecology today inspired by the Norwegian Philosopher Arne Naess, who coined the term Deep Ecology. In this episode, ON … Continue reading


Podcast episode 8: ON KNOWLEDGE Simple Landing page. Direct download of mp3. Intro: Welcome to Nordic By Nature, a podcast on ecology today inspired by the Norwegian Philosopher Arne Naess, who coined the term Deep Ecology. This episode, ON KNOWLEDGE, … Continue reading


In this sixth episode, On Belonging, we meet three people who have thought a lot about what ‘home’ means to them and how that relates defines their relationship to a place. All were present at Standing Rock. Dark Mountain contributor … Continue reading


Listen here: Download episode here: Transcript to episode 5. On Happiness. Introduction: ICE SOUNDS Voice: Welcome to Nordic By Nature, a podcast inspired by the Norwegian Philosopher Arne Naess, who coined the term Deep Ecology. According to Naess’s interpretation … Continue reading


Listen on Transistor. In this episode ON INNER RESILIENCE, we hear four voices share how they maintain inner equilibrium. Firstly, we learn about nature-centred mindfulness practice from Ajay Rastogi, at the Foundation for the Contemplation of Nature in the Himalayan … Continue reading

Stewardship as a concept

HOW DO WE VIEW OURSELVES and our place in the world? A question that every great philosopher has wrestled with throughout time, but also one which we are revisiting in the light of the climate crisis especially amongst a growing … Continue reading

On deep ecology

NORDIC BY NATURE was launched as a research and editing partner for environmental experts publishing globally relevant content on ecology today. Part of this work resulted in 26 audio recorded interviews and 11 podcast episodes, spotlighting activists from across the … Continue reading

Who Should Own the Earth?

Below is the keynote speech ’Who Should Own the Earth?’ by Dasho Dr Karma Ura at the Earth Trusteeship Forum, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. The Earth Trusteeship Platform offers open, decentralized, ‘multi-polar’ and independent creative space for persons and organisations motivated … Continue reading

Nordic by Nature Podcast

NORDIC BY NATURE is podcast bringing new perspectives on deep ecology. In 12 episodes, and with a global perspective, Nordic By Nature explores human, social and personal resiliency and adaptability that is needed for these challenging times. The podcast is … Continue reading

Episode 1: ON ACTIVISM

The first episode On Activism features 3 strong voices who represent many thousands more at the forefront of change. First you hear the words Satish Kumar. To people in the ecology movement, Satish Kumar needs little introduction. He has been … Continue reading