Mama’s story

Mama’s story is a family history and family tree, a collection of stories and memories that drift in and out of ther personal and collective, the factual and the mythical or supernatural, the real and the imaginary. It is currently … Continue reading

Nordic by Nature in Spanish

NORDIC BY NATURE E-BOOK. We are delighted to announce that the e-book Nordic by Nature, New voices on deep ecology; Arne Naess in the 21st century, is in the process of being translated and released as separate PDF chapters with … Continue reading

Nordic by Nature e-book

NORDIC BY NATURE, NEW VOICES ON DEEP ECOLOGY TODAY, ARNE NAESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY is a free e-book of podcast transcripts. The activists interviewed in the podcast were not chosen because of their ability to follow their inner voice, … Continue reading

On deep ecology

NORDIC BY NATURE was launched as a research and editing partner for environmental experts publishing globally relevant content on ecology today. Part of this work resulted in 26 audio recorded interviews and 11 podcast episodes, spotlighting activists from across the … Continue reading

How to solve it

GEORGE POLYA’s lovely book How to Solve It, is not just about mathematics but about problem solving in a wider sense. xvi Guidelines are not literal p1 A teacher should help the students, share knowledge, and swap places p15 — … Continue reading

A graphic designer

Sandu Publishing House have released a book that features Stockholm based graphic designer, concept developer, art director and artist Johan Hjerpe. In parallel with commercial brand strategy and design work, Johan is highly active within the cultural field, driving projects … Continue reading